Sara works exclusively online.
My body no longer hurts, my energy levels have risen and are still rising and I’ve lost weight.
I am not on a diet, I don’t go without anything that my body needs or desires, it just no longer desires sweet and savoury processed foods.
The investment I made in my body with Sara has given me so much back of me. The knowledge and understanding that Sara has is astounding and I feel that every day I have a guardian angel with me.
Lisa Ruscoe
Coaching and accountability bridges the gap between knowing and doing, ensuring you put into place the
lasting lifestyle changes that transform your goals from a wish into reality.
Herbal medicine is as old as the hills and comes without side-effects. The beauty of herbal medicine is that it can be targeted exactly as you need it, with multiple herbs in one bottle, addressing the multiple contributary causative/ exacerbating factors that are the norm in chronic health conditions.
For instance, herbal medicine can nourish & restore organ function, with specific herbs for liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and lymph. Herbs can also improve detoxification, calm a frazzled nervous system, restore tired adrenals, eliminate pathogens like viruses, bacteria or parasites, relax bronchioles, expectorate mucus, soothe inflammation, repair gut lining, aid relaxation and sleep.
With more than 200 herbs in my dispensary, your body will get exactly what it needs.
Is a subtle energetic therapy that enables me to ask your body what’s happening and what it needs. It’s the kind of therapy that once people have had it; they actively seek it out again.
Working as I now do, post-Covid, exclusively online, I’ve combined kinesiology with dowsing to enable this powerful modality to give us the answers we need to get you feeling yourself again.
"I honestly haven’t had such a long spell of feeling so great in YEARS! I feel like I have boundless energy."
M. Morris, Leics
Nutrition is not about eating healthily.
It’s about eating right.
Right for you in the context of your life – that means taking into account which life stage you’re in – like perimenopause, and what your health challenges are.
So yes, you will be eating healthily, but most importantly, you’ll be eating right for you and your life stage.
Nothing is completely off-limits, this is about balance, not deprivation.
All too often, we are stuck in stress response, which is one of nature’s brilliant pieces of design. However, it is a little out of date. When we were cavewomen, our stress response helped us fight or run away from tigers. We either killed the tiger or were killed. Either way, it was over pretty quickly. We don’t have those stressors any more, we have long-term, lingering stressors that put us into stress-survival mode and we get stuck there.
When we’re in survival mode, nothing else is important. Not immunity, not digestion, not sleep, not skin. Just survival.
Learning how to use relaxation techniques to get you out of stress/ survival mode is a hugely underestimated ingredient in healing.
A variety of techniques to improve your health, such as dry skin brushing, visualisation, affirmations, Emotional freedom technique, finishing your shower with cold, standing more, stretching, deep breathing, a bedtime routine, diary management or journaling.
As always, you get the things your body needs and I’ll help you to implement them sustainably.
Our bodies are so much more than our orthodox medical system acknowledges. Just because we can’t see it or measure it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Tuning in to, and teaching people to utilise their own energy for healing is one of the reasons for the success I see in my clinic.
Energetic techniques include visualisation, affirmations, flower remedies, hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and accessing the unconscious mind where memories and emotions are stored.
Sara has opened doors for me that I never knew were there
Jane Saunders, Warwick
Frequently AskedQuestions
There are many definitions of ‘healthy eating’, most of which are largely based on low calorie, low fat eating and deprive your body of the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Eating right for your life stage, for your hormones and consuming anti-inflammatory foods is completely different. This programme guides you to eat delicious, family friendly food that works WITH your body, not against it.
The list of symptoms of perimenopause is long, and tests are not always reliable. Not all doctors recognise this important, natural life stage. Hormones start to change from the age of 35 (ish), and can continue until 50 (ish), so if you’re in this age- bracket, and feeling rubbish, this programme is for you. Anxiety, fatigue and brain fog are some of the more common first signs, along with erratic periods, aches & pains, insomnia and irritability.
This programme is not about dieting and restriction, it’s about learning to eat really well for the rest of your life. This is a health programme, where weight loss is a happy side-effect for 95% of members. It’s incredibly rare for a woman to follow the programme and not lose weight. It’s also incredibly rare for a woman not to enjoy this way of eating.
This is not for you if you want a quick (temporary) weight loss fix. This is about changing your habits and eating to change your health, forever.
If you have more than 2 stone to lose, you will require additional support.
Doctors are really great at spotting life-threatening illness. However, they have very little nutritional training, or time in appointments, and so are not able to advise you on what to eat and how to strengthen and nourish your body from the inside out, using food, lifestyle techniques and mindset as medicine. This is where naturopathic medicine excels. Having access to Sara’s 18 years clinical experience is a real game-changer.
Where you have been examined by your doctor and blood tests are all normal, you are not undergoing any further investigations, no explanation has been found and your doctor is not concerned about your health (unexplained ‘low-grade’ ill-health) this programme will work.
The vast majority of people who work with me have been to their doctor and been told there is nothing that can be done, that they need to go away and live with the way they feel.
This programme works because it’s looking at the fundamentals of your health - the things your doctor doesn’t look at, like nutrient status, food intolerance, stress, eating right for your life stage, sleep, bowel regularity, self care and boundaries.
This programme works for the vast majority of women, however, in some complex cases a 1:1 programme may be needed in addition, or instead of the programme. Sara reserves the right to make the decision about what is most appropriate for you.
If you have a diagnosis from your doctor and are living with a common condition, or conditions, such as IBS, low thyroid, or take antidepressants, the blood sugar and hormonal balance, anti-inflammatory aspects and identification (through dietary means) of common food intolerances will most likely resolve many of your symptoms.
This programme will ensure your body has everything it needs to function well, however some aspects of chronic health conditions may require an additional, personalised programme of herbal medicine and/ or supplements for full resolution. Sara reserves the right to determine suitability.
If you have mild-moderate IBS, eczema, constipation, or recurrent infections and take prescribed medication only occasionally, you will be able to join this programme without additional support. Please see next question.
If you are pre-diabetic, or have diabetes and do not take medication, you may require additional support.
Sara reserves the right to decide whether or not you require additional 1:1 support, or are not suitable for this programme.
Everyone will be required to fill out a health history form before we start, and Sara will contact you if she feels you need additional 1:1 support or if the programme is not appropriate for you, in which case a full refund will be given.
Commonly prescribed medications
Thyroxine - as long as your levels are stable, this will be no problem
Antidepressants - as long as you’re not in crisis, this will be no problem
Omeprazole - not problem
Statins - no problem, provided the reason for prescription is high cholesterol only. This programme is not suitable for people with heart disease
Metformin - if you take this or other diabetic medication, you will need additional 1:1 support
Asthma - as long as you are stable, this will be no problem
Painkillers - provided you are taking for occasional pain relief, there will be no problem
HRT/ The Pill/ Mirena coil - these medications all mask (as opposed to cure) hormonal symptoms. This programme will still work for symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, low mood, brain fog, aches & pains.
A combination of the application form, and her decades of experience in helping women resolve health problems that doctors cannot help with.
If Sara does not feel this programme will resolve your particular health problems, she will recommend you seek additional 1:1 support as well, or instead of this programme, or she may refer you on to something more appropriate.
Ensuring you have the right levels of the right nutrients for healing is key to your success, so Sara will be recommending you take her ‘holy trinity’ of 3 supplements to make sure you’ve got the baseline your body needs to heal.
These supplements are optional, but recommended. The cost is approx £55 for a month’s supply.
Sara cannot prescribe a personalised supplement plan for individuals in a group programme.
When you’re working with Sara, you’ll learn how to eat right for your life stage, and personal health context. Using food, natural remedies and lifestyle techniques you'll balance hormones, reduce inflammation, improve your health AND your waistline and get off that sugar rollercoaster and in control within 7 days.